Journal papers:
- S. Basak, O. Bar-On, and J. Scheuer, “Metal-halide perovskite-based edge emitting lasers”, Opt. Express 12 (2), 375-382 (2022).
- J. Scheuer, D. Filonov, T. Vosheva, and P. Ginzburg, “Extraordinary broadband impedance matching in highly dispersive media-the white light cavity approach”, Opt. Express 30 (4), 5192-5199 (2022).
- Y. Blau, T. Gilad, Y. Hanein, A. Boag, and J. Scheuer, “High efficiency coupling to metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguides”, Opt. Express 30 (8), 13757-13764 (2022).
- R. Abbot et al., “Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D. 105 (2), 022002 (2022).
- R. Abbott et al., “Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from LIGO’s and Virgo’s third observing run”, Phys. Rev. D. 105 (6), 063030 (2022).
- R. Abbot et al., “Search for intermediate-mass black hole binaries in the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo”, Astronomy & Astrophysics 659, A84 (2022).
- T. Haimov, K. Aydin and J. Scheuer, “Reconfigurable Holograms Using VO2-Based Tunable Metasurface”, J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 27, 4700308 (2021).
- S. Basak, O. Bar-On, and J. Scheuer, “Perovskite/Metal-Based Hyperbolic Metamaterials: Tailoring the Permittivity Properties of Coexisting Anisotropies in the Visible Region”, Adv. Optical Mater. 9, 2001305 (2021).
- Y. Sternfeld, Z. Zhou, J. Scheuer, and S. M. Shahriar, “Electromagnetically induced transparency in Raman gain for realizing a superluminal ring laser”, Opt. Express 29(2), 1125-1139 (2021).
- B. Zhang, D. Ran, R. Ianconescu, A. Friedman, J. Scheuer, A. Yariv, A. Gover, “Quantum Wave-Particle Duality in Free-Electron–Bound-Electron Interaction”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 244801 (2021).
- I. Tanriover, W. Hadibrata, J. Scheuer, K. Aydin, “Neural networks enabled forward and inverse design of reconfigurable metasurfaces”, Opt. Express 29, 27219 (2021).
- R Abbot et al. “Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo”, SoftwareX 13, 100658 (2021).
- J. Asai et al. “Erratum: Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Nine Young Supernova Remnants”, Astrophysical J. 918, 90 (2021).
- B. P. Abbott et al., Erratum: “Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from 15 Supernova Remnants and Fomalhaut b with Advanced LIGO”, Astrophysical J. 918, 91 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems”, Phys. Rev. D 103, 064017 (2021).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “A gravitational-wave measurement of the Hubble constant following the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo”, Astrophysical J. 909, 218 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “Population properties of compact objects from the second LIGO–Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog”, Astrophysical J. Lett. 913, L7 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “Diving below the spin-down limit: Constraints on gravitational waves from the energetic young pulsar PSR J0537-6910”, Astrophysical J. Lett. 913, L27 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “Gwtc-2: Compact binary coalescences observed by ligo and virgo during the first half of the third observing run”, Phys. Rev. X 11, 021053 (2021).
- R. Abbot et al. “Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalog”, Phys. Rev. D 103, 122002 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the third Advanced LIGO–Virgo observing run”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 241102 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star–black hole coalescences”, Astrophysical J. Lett. 915, L5 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational-wave background from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run”, Phys. Rev. D 102, 022004 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars in the early O3 LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D 104, 082004 (2021).
- R. Abbott et al., “All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run”, Phys. Rev. D 104, 102001 (2021).
- J. Scheuer, “Optical Metasurfaces Are Coming of Age: Short- and Long-Term Opportunities for Commercial Applications”, ACS Photon. 7, 1323-1354 (2020).
- Y. Blau, O. Bar-On, Y. Hanein, A. Boag, J. Scheuer, “Meta-hologram-based authentication scheme employing a speckle pattern fingerprint” Opt. Express 28, 8924-8936 (2020).
- N. Habler and J. Scheuer, “Higher-order exceptional points: A route for flat-top optical filters”, Phys. Rev. A 101, 043828 (2020).
- D. Ran, B. Zhang, Y.-H. Chen, Z.-C. Shi, Y. Xia, R. Ianconescu, J. Scheuer, and A. Gover, “Effective pulse reverse-engineering for strong field–matter interaction”, Opt. Lett. 45, 3597-3600 (2020).
- B. P. Abbot et al.,” Model comparison from LIGO–Virgo data on GW170817’s binary components and consequences for the merger remnant”, Class. Quantum Grav. 37, 045006 (2020).
- B. P. Abbot et al., ”A guide to LIGO–Virgo detector noise and extraction of transient gravitational-wave signals”, Class. Quantum Grav. 37, 055002 (2020).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Optically targeted search for gravitational waves emitted by core-collapse supernovae during the first and second observing runs of advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo”, Phys. Rev. D 101, 084002 (2020).
- R Abbott et al., “GW190814: gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 23 solar mass black hole with a 2.6 solar mass compact object”, Astrophysical J. Lett. 896, L44 (2020).
- R. Hamburg et al., “A joint Fermi-GBM and LIGO/Virgo analysis of compact binary mergers from the first and second gravitational-wave observing runs”, Astrophysical J. 893, 100 (2020).
- R. Abbott, et al. “Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 M⊙ binary black hole merger GW190521″, Astrophysical J. Lett. 900, L13 (2020).
- B. P. Abbot et al., ”GW190425: Observation of a compact binary coalescence with total mass∼ 3.4 M⊙”, Astrophysical J. Lett. 892, L3 (2020).
- P. Brenner, O. Bar-On, M. Jakoby, I. Allegro, B. S. Richards, U. W. Paetzold, I. A. Howard, J. Scheuer and U. Lemmer, “Continuous wave amplified spontaneous emission in phase-stable lead halide perovskites”, Nature Comm. 10, 988 (2019).
- D. Bar-Lev, R. J. England, K. P. Wootton, We. Liu, A. Gover, R. Byer, K. J. Leedle, D. Black, and J. Scheuer, “Design of a plasmonic metasurface laser accelerator with a tapered phase velocity for subrelativistic particles”, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 021303 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Properties of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817”, Phys. Rev. X 9, 011001 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA”, Astrophysical J. 870, 134 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “A Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Search for Electromagnetic Signals Coincident with Gravitational-wave Candidates in Advanced LIGO’s First Observing Run”, Astrophysical J. 870, 90 (2019).
- X. Song, Z. Liu, J. Scheuer, Y. Xiang, and K. Aydin, “Tunable polaritonic metasurface absorbers in Mid-IR based on hexagonal boron nitride and vanadium dioxide layers”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52, 164002 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Constraining the p-Mode-g-Mode Tidal Instability with GW170817″, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 061104 (2019).
- P. Abbott et al., “All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the second Advanced LIGO observing run”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 104033 (2019).
- M. Soares-Santos et al., “First Measurement of the Hubble Constant from a Dark Standard Siren using the Dark Energy Survey Galaxies and the LIGO/Virgo Binary-Black-hole Merger GW170814”, Astrophysical J. 875, 161 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for Gravitational Waves from a Long-lived Remnant of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 875, 160 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from 15 Supernova Remnants and Fomalhaut b with Advanced LIGO”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 875, 122 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for Transient Gravitational-wave Signals Associated with Magnetar Bursts during Advanced LIGO’s Second Observing Run”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 874, 163 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 064064 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for Eccentric Binary Black Hole Mergers with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo during Their First and Second Observing Runs”, Astrophysical. J. 883, 149 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Directional Limits on Persistent Gravitational Waves from Advanced LIGO’s first two observing runs”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 062001 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “GWTC-1: a gravitational-wave transient catalog of compact binary mergers observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first and second observing runs”, Phys. Rev. X 9, 031040 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in 2015–2017 LIGO Data”, Astrophysical. J. 882, 1 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the second Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 024017 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO O2 data”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 024004 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Tests of general relativity with GW170817”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 011102 (2019).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Narrow-band search for gravitational waves from known pulsars using the second LIGO observing run”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 122002 (2019).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in 2015–2017 LIGO Data”, Astrophysical. J. 879, 10 (2019).
- O. Bar-On, P. Brenner, U. Lemmer, and J. Scheuer, “Micro Lasers by Scalable Lithography of Metal-Halide Perovskites”, Adv. Mater. Technol. 3, 1800212 (2018)
- B. P. Abbot et al., “First Search for Nontensorial Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 031104 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the first Advanced LIGO observing run”, Class. Quantum Grav. 35, 065009 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “GW170817: Implications for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Compact Binary Coalescences”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 091101 (2018).
- O. Bar-On, P. Brenner, T. Siegle, R. Gvishi, H. Kalt, U. Lemmer, and J. Scheuer, “High Quality 3D Photonics using Nano Imprint Lithography of Fast Sol-gel Materials”, Sci. Rep. 8, 7833 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA”, Living Rev. Relativ. 21, 3 (2018)
- Z. Liu, B. Banar, S. Butun, H. Kocer, K. Wang, J. Scheuer, J. Wu, and K. Aydin, “Dynamic infrared thin-film absorbers with tunable absorption level based on VO2 phase transition”, Opt. Mater. Express 8, 2151 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for Tensor, Vector, and Scalar Polarizations in the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 201102 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Full band all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the O1 LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D 97, 102003 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run”, Phys. Rev. D 97, 102002 (2018).
- Y. Blau, M. Eitan, V. Egorov, A. Boag, Y. Hanein, and J. Scheuer, “In situ real-time beam monitoring with dielectric meta-holograms”, Opt. Express 26(22), 28469-28483 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “GW170817: Measurements of Neutron Star Radii and Equation of State “, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 161101 (2018).
- J. Scheuer, “White light cavity formation and superluminal lasing near exceptional points”, Opt. Express 26, 32091-32102 (2018).
- B. P. Abbott et. al., “Search for Subsolar-Mass Ultracompact Binaries in Advanced LIGO’s First Observing Run”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 231103 (2018).
- J. Scheuer, “Metasurfaces based holography and Beam shaping: Engineering the phase profile of light”, Nanophotonics 6, 137-152 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO’s First Observing Run”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 121101 (2017)
- V. Egorov, M. Eitan and J. Scheuer, “Genetically optimized All-dielectric metasurfaces”, Opt. Express 25, 2583-2593 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “GW170104: Observation of a 50-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence at Redshift 0.2”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 221101 (2017).
- P. Brenner, O. Bar-On, T. Siegle, T. Leonharf, R. Gvishi, C. Eschenbaum, H. Kalt, J. Scheuer, and U. Lemmer, “3-D Whispering Gallery Mode Microlasers by Direct Laser Writing and Subsequent Soft Nanoimprint Lithography”, Appl. Opt. 56, 3703-3708 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Directional Limits on Persistent Gravitational Waves from Advanced LIGO’s First Observing Run”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 121102 (2017)
- B. P. Abbot et al., “All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the first Advanced LIGO run”, Phys. Rev. D 95, 042003 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “First Search for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars with Advanced LIGO”, Astrophysical J. 839(1), 12 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Effects of waveform model systematics on the interpretation of GW150914”, Class. Quantum Grav. 34, 104002 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts during the First Advanced LIGO Observing Run and Implications for the Origin of GRB 150906B”, Astrophysical J. 841(2), 89 (2017).
- J. Scheuer, “Optimal interfacing with coupled-cavities slow-light waveguides: mimicking periodic structures with a compact device”, Opt. Express 25(14), 16260.
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 in the first Advanced LIGO observing run with a hidden Markov model”, Phys. Rev. D 95(12), 122003 (2017).
- A. Albert et al., “Search for high-energy neutrinos from gravitational wave event GW151226 and candidate LVT151012 with ANTARES and IceCube”, Phys. Rev. D 96(2), 022005 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first observing run of Advanced LIGO”, ”, Phys. Rev. D 96(2), 022001 (2017).
- O. Kotlicki and J. Scheuer, “Thermal self-stability, multi-stability, and memory effects in single-mode Brillouin fiber lasers”, Opt. Express 25(22), 27321 (2017).
- M. Zhou, Z. Zhou, M. Fouda, N. Condon, J. Scheuer, and S. M. Shahriar, “Fast-Light Enhanced Brillouin Laser Based Active Fiber Optic Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Rotation and Strain”, J. Lightwave Technol. 35, 5222-5229 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 848, L12 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger: GW170817 and GRB 170817A”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 848, L13 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 161101 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “GW170814: A Three-Detector Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Coalescence”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 141101 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO’s First Observing Run”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 121101 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the O1 LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D 96, 062002 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 with ANTARES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 850, L35 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Estimating the Contribution of Dynamical Ejecta in the Kilonova Associated with GW170817”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 850, L39 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “On the Progenitor of Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 850, L40 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “First low-frequency Einstein@Home all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in Advanced LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D 96, 122004 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “Search for Post-merger Gravitational Waves from the Remnant of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 851, L16 (2017).
- B. P. Abbot et al., “First Search for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars with Advanced LIGO (vol. 839, 12, 2017)”, Astrophysical J. 851(1), 71 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “GW170608: Observation of a 19 Solar-mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence”, Astrophysical. J. Lett. 851, L35 (2017).
- B. P. Abbott et al., “First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data”, Phys. Rev. D 96, 122006 (2017).
- O. Kotlicki and J. Scheuer, “Ultra-Stable Brillouin Fiber Laser using Real-Time Control”, IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 34, 2111 (2016).
- J. Scheuer, “Quantum and thermal noise limits of coupled resonator optical waveguide and resonant waveguide optical rotation sensors”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 1827-1834 (2016).
- J. Scheuer and Y. Yifat, “Metasurfaces make it practical”, Nature Nano. 10, 296-298 (2015).
- M. Eitan, Z. Iluz, Y. Yifat, A. Boag, Y. Hanein, and J. Scheuer, “Degeneracy Breaking of Wood’s Anomaly for Enhanced Refractive Index Sensing”, ACS Photon. 2, 615−621 (2015).
- J. Aasi et al., “Advanced LIGO”, Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 074001 (2015).
- D. Bar-Lev, A. Arie, J. Scheuer, and I. Epstein, “Efficient excitation and control of arbitrary surface plasmon polariton beams using one-dimensional metallic gratings”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 923-932 (2015).
- J. Aasi et al., “Directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO data”, Phys. Rev. D 91, 062008 (2015).
- J. Aasi et al., “Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data”, Phys. Rev. D 91, 022004 (2015).
- E. Ben Bassat and J. Scheuer, “Optimal design of radial Bragg cavities and lasers”, Opt. Lett. 40, 3069-3072 (2015).
- G. Kaplan, K. Aydin and J. Scheuer, “Dynamically controlled plasmonic nano-antenna phased array utilizing vanadium dioxide”, Opt. Mater. Express 5, 2513-2524 (2015).
- J. Scheuer and S. Shahriar, “Lasing dynamics of super and sub luminal lasers”, Opt. Express 23, 32350– 32365 (2015).
- A. El-Taher, O. Kotlicki, P. Harper, S. Turitsyn, and J. Scheuer, “Secure key distribution over a 500 km long link using a Raman ultra-long fiber laser”, Laser Photon. Rev. 8, 436–442 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “Methods and results of a search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts using the GEO 600, LIGO, and Virgo detectors”, Phys. Rev. D 89, 122004 (2014).
- Y. Yifat, M. Eitan, Z. Iluz, Y. Hanein, A. Boag, and J. Scheuer, “Highly Efficient and Broadband Wide-Angle Holography Using Patch-Dipole Nanoantenna Reflectarrays”, Nano Lett. 14, 2485−2490 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “Search for gravitational wave ringdowns from perturbed intermediate mass black holes in LIGO-Virgo data from 2005–2010″, Phys Rev. D 89, 102006 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with gamma-ray Bursts Detected by the Interplanetary Network”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 011102 (2014).
- O. Kotlicki and J. Scheuer, “Dark states ultra-long fiber laser for practically secure key distribution”, Quantum Inf. Process. 13, 2293–2311 (2014).
- J. Scheuer, ““Heavy” and “Light” photon bands induced by symmetry in a linear array of Sagnac reflectors”, Opt. Eng., 53(10), 102707 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “The NINJA-2 project: detecting and characterizing gravitational waveforms modelled using numerical binary black hole simulations”, Class. Quantum Grav. 31, 115004 (2014).
- Y. Yadin, J. Scheuer, Y. Gross, and M. Orenstein, “Spontaneous locking of optical vortices in coupled semiconductor lasers”, Phys. Rev. A. 90, 033803 (2014).
- Y. Blau, N. Berman, and J. Scheuer, “Optimal excitation of the Bloch modes of coupled resonator optical waveguides,” Opt. Eng. 53, 102712 (2014).
- O. Kotlicki and J. Scheuer, “Wideband Perfect Coherent Absorber based on White Light Cavity”, Opt. Lett. 39, 6624 (2014).
- S. Shahriar and J. Scheuer, “Slow and Fast Light”, Opt. Eng. 53, 102701 (2014).
- D. Bar-Lev and J. Scheuer, “Plasmonic Meta-Surface for Efficient Ultra-Short Pulse Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 121302 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “First all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from unknown sources in binary systems”, Phys. Rev. D 90, 062010
- R. Novitski, B. Z. Steinberg and J. Scheuer, “Finite-difference time-domain study of modulated and disordered coupled resonator optical waveguide rotation sensors”, Opt. Express 22, 23153–23163 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “Implementation of an F-statistic all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in Virgo VSR1 data”, Class. Quantum Grav. 31, 165014 (2014).
- G. Aartsen et al., “Multimessenger search for sources of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos: Initial results for LIGO-Virgo and IceCube”, Phys. Rev. D 90, 102002 (2014).
- J. Aasi et al., “Improved Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from 2009-2010 LIGO and Virgo Data”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 231101 (2014).
- H. N. Yum, J. Scheuer, M. Salit, P. R. Hemmer and M. S. Shahriar, “Demonstration of white light cavity effect using stimulated Brillouin scattering in a fiber loop”, J. Lightwave Technol. 31, 3865 (2013).
- D. Bar-Lev and J. Scheuer, “Efficient second harmonic generation using nonlinear substrates patterned by nano-antenna arrays”, Opt. Express 21, 29165 (2013).
- J. Scheuer and S. Shahriar, “Trap-door optical buffering using top-flat coupled microring filter: the superluminal cavity approach”, Opt. Lett. 38, 3534 (2013).
- H. N. Yum, X. Liu, P. R. Hemmer, J.Scheuer, and M. S. Shahriar, “The fundamental limitations on the practical realizations of white light cavities,” Opt. Comm. 305, 260-266 (2013).
- Y. Yifat, Z. Iluz, D. Bar-lev, M. Eitan, Y. Hanein, A Boag, and J. Scheuer, “High load-sensitivity in wideband infrared dual-Vivaldi nanoantennas”, Opt. Lett. 38, 205 (2013).
- R. Novitski, J. Scheuer, and B. Z. Steinberg, “Unconditionally stable finite-difference time-domain methods for modeling the Sagnac effect”, Phys. Rev. E. 87, 023303 (2013).
- S. Levy, V. Lyubin, M. Klebanov, J. Scheuer, and A. Zadok, “Stimulated Brillouin scattering amplification in centimeter-long directly written chalcogenide waveguides”, Opt. Lett. 37, 5112 (2012).
- O. Kotlicki, J. Scheuer and M.S. Shahriar, “Theoretical study on Brillouin fiber laser sensor based on white light cavity”, Opt. Express 20, 28234 (2012).
- I. E. Dotan and J. Scheuer, “Fano resonances in vertically and horizontally coupled micro-resonators”, Opt. Comm. 285, 3475 (2012).
- Y. Yifat, Z. Iluz, M.Eitan, I.Friedler, Y. Hanein, A. Boag, and J.Scheuer, “Quantifying the radiation efficiency of nano antennas”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 111113 (2012). Selected to appear in the Virtual journal of Nanoscale Science &Technology Vol. 25, Issue 13, March 26, 2012
- R. Novitski, B. Z. Steinberg, and J. Scheuer, “Losses in rotating degenerate cavities and a coupled-resonator optical-waveguide rotation sensor”, Phys. Rev. A 85, 023813 (2012).)
- J. Scheuer and M. Sumetsky, “Optical-fiber microcoil waveguides and resonators and their applications for interferometry and sensing”, Laser Photon. Rev. 5, 465 (2011).
- T. Horv´ath, L. B. Kish and J. Scheuer, “Effective privacy amplification for secure classical communications”, EPL 94, 28002 (2011).
- J. Scheuer and O. Weiss, “The Serpentine Optical Waveguide: engineering the dispersion relations and the stopped light points”, Opt. Express 19, 11517 (2011).)
- Y. Yifat and J. Scheuer, “Theoretical analysis for active coupled resonator optical waveguide arrays and applications”, J. Nanophoton. 5, 051822 (2011).
- J. Scheuer, “Ultra-high enhancement of the field concentration in Split Ring Resonators by azimuthally polarized excitation”, Opt. Express 19, 25454 (2011).)
- J. Scheuer and Mark Shtaif, “Band splitting and modal dispersion induced by symmetry breaking in coupled-resonator slowlight waveguide structures”, Opt. Express 18, 1762 (2010).
- J. Scheuer, A. A. Sukhorukov and Yuri S. Kivshar, “All-optical switching of dark states in nonlinear coupled microring resonators”, Opt. Lett. 35, 3712 (2010).
- L.B. Kish, J. Scheuer, “Noise in the wire: the real impact of wire resistance for the Johnson (-like) noise based secure communicator”, Phys. Lett. A 374, 2140 (2010).
- O. Weiss and J. Scheuer, “Emission of cylindrical and elliptical vector beams from radial Bragg Lasers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 251108 (2010).
- J. Scheuer, “Fiber microciol optical gyroscope”, Opt. Lett. 34, 1630 (2009).
- O. Weiss and J. Scheuer, “Side coupled adjacent resonators CROW – formation of Mid-Band Zero Group Velocity”, Opt. Express 17, 14817 (2009).
- Y. Yifat and J. Scheuer, “Dynamical Slowing and trapping of light in coupled semiconductor laser arrays”, Opt. Express 17, 17530 (2009).
- D. Alexandropoulos, J. Scheuer and N. A. Vainos, “Spectral Properties of Active Racetrack Semiconductor Structures with Intracavity Reflections”, IEEE J. Select. Top. Quantum. Electron. 15, 1420-1426 (2009).
- D. Bar-Lev and J. Scheuer, “Enhanced key-establishing rates and efficiencies in fiber laser key distribution systems”, Phys. Lett. A. 373, 4287 (2009).
- A. Zadok, J. Scheuer, J. Sendowski, and A. Yariv, “Secure key generation using an ultra-long fiber laser: transient analysis and experiment”, Opt. Express 16, 16680 (2008).
- J. Scheuer and B. Z. Steinberg,”Coupled Lasers Rotation Sensor (CLARS)”, J. Lightwave Technol. 26, 3803 (2008).
- J. Scheuer, “Slow propagation of externally injected light pulses in coupled semiconductor laser array”, Europhysics. Lett. 77, 44004 (2007).
- B. Z. Steinberg, J. Scheuer and A. Boag, “Rotation-induced superstructure in slow-light waveguides with mode-degeneracy: optical gyroscopes with exponential sensitivity”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. Vol. 24 (2007) 1216.
- X. Sun, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Optimal Design and Reduced Threshold in Vertically Emitting Circular Bragg Disk Resonator Lasers”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. Vol. 13 (2007) 359.
- J. Scheuer and B. A. Malomed, “Annular gap solitons in Kerr media with circular gratings”, Phys. Rev. A. Vol. 75 (2007) 063805.
- A. Yariv, J. Scheuer, B. Crosignani, and P. Di Porto, “The case of the oscillating party balloon: A simple toy experiment requiring a not-so-simple interpretation”, Am. J. Phys. 75, 696 (2007).
- J. Scheuer, “Radial Bragg lasers: optimal design for minimal threshold levels and enhanced mode discrimination”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2178 (2007).
- J. Scheuer, “Annular Bragg resonators – the ultimate device for sensing, nonlinear optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics”, J. Nanophoton 1, 011675 (2007).
- J. Scheuer, “Direct rotation-induced intensity modulation in circular Bragg micro-lasers”, Opt. Express 15, 15053 (2007).
- E. Feigenbaum, M. Orenstein and J. Scheuer, “Circulating spatial solitons” Opt. Lett. Vol. 31 (2006) 486.
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Sagnac effect in coupled-resonator slow-light waveguide structures”, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 96 (2006) 053901.
- A. Ciatton, B. Crosignani, P. Di Porto, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “On the limits of validity of nonparaxial propagation equations in Kerr media”, Opt. Express Vol. 14 (2006) 5517.
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Fabrication and Characterization of low-loss polymeric waveguides and micro-resonators”, J. Euro. Opt. Soc. – Rapid Pub. Vol. 1 (2006) 06007. (Invited)
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Giant Fiber Lasers (GFL): A New Paradigm for Secure Key Distribution”, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 97 (2006) 140502. See review by Nature; Selected to appear in the Virtual journal of Quantum Information Vol. 6, Issue 10, October 20, 2006
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “A classical key-distribution system based on Johnson (like) noise—How secure?”, Phys. Lett. A. Vol. 359 (2006) 737.
- G. T. Paloczi, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Compact Microring-Based Wavelength-Selective Inline Optical Reflector”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. Vol. 17 (2005) 390.
- J. Scheuer, G. T. Paloczi, J. K. S. Poon and A. Yariv, “Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides: Towards Slowing and Storing of Light”, Opt. Photon. News, Vol. 16 (2005) 36 (Invited).
- J. Scheuer, W. M. J. Green, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “InGaAsP annular Bragg lasers: theory, applications and modal properties”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., Vol. 11 (2005) 476.
- J. Scheuer, W. M. J. Green and A. Yariv, “Annular Bragg Resonators: Beyond the limits of Total Internal Reflection”, Photonics Spectra, Vol. 39 (May 2005) 64 (Invited).
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “All-Optical Gates facilitated by Soliton Interactions in Multilayered Kerr Medium”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. Vol. 22 (2005) 1260.
- J. Scheuer, W. M. J. Green, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “Lasing from a circular Bragg nanocavity with and ultrasmall modal volume”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 86 (2005) 251101.
- D. Chang, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Optimization of circular photonic crystal cavities – beyond coupled mode theory”, Opt. Express Vol. 13 (2005) 9272.
- J. Scheuer, G. T. Paloczi and A. Yariv, “All-Optically Tunable Wavelength-Selective Reflector Consisting of Coupled Polymeric Microring Resonators”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 87 (2005) 251102.
- J K. S. Poon, J. Scheuer, S. Mookherjea, G. T. Paloczi, Y. Huang and A. Yariv, “Matrix analysis of coupled-resonator optical waveguides”, Opt. Express Vol. 12 (2004) 90.
- J. K. S. Poon, J. Scheuer and A.yariv, “Wavelength-Selective reflector Based on a Circular array of coupled microring Resonators”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. Vol. 16 (2004) 1331.
- G. T. Paloczi, Y. Huang, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Soft Lithography Molding of Polymer Integrated Optical Devices: Reduction of the Background Residue”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. Vol. 22 (2004) 1764.
- J. K. S. Poon, J. Scheuer, Y. Xu and A. Yariv, “Designing Coupled-Resonator Optical Waveguide Delay Lines”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. Vol. 21 (2004) 1665.
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Circular Photonic Crystal Resonators”, Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 70 (2004) 036603. (Selected to appear in the Virtual journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Vol. 10, Issue 12, September 20, 2004
- J. Scheuer, W. M. J. Green, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “Low Threshold Two-Dimensional Annular Bragg Lasers”, Opt. Lett. Vol. 29 (2004) 2641.
- W. M. J. Green, J. Scheuer, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “Vertically emitting annular Bragg lasers using polymer epitaxial transfer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 85 (2004) 3669.
- W. M. J. Green, J. Scheuer, G. DeRose, A. Yariv and A. Scherer, “Assessment of lithographic process variation effects in InGaAsP annular Bragg resonator lasers”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. Vol. 22 (2004) 3206.
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Two-Dimensional Optical Ring Resonators Based on Radial Bragg Resonance”, Opt. Lett. Vol. 28 (2003) 1528.
- Y. Huang, G. T. Paloczi, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Soft lithography replication of polymeric microring optical resonators”, Opt. Express Vol. 11 (2003) 2452.
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Optical Annular Resonators Based on Radial Bragg and Photonic Crystal Reflectors”, Opt. Express Vol. 11 (2003) 2736 .
- J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Annular Bragg Defect mode Resonators”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. Vol. 20 (2003) 2285.
- Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Coupled-Waves Approach to the Design and Analysis of Bragg and Photonic Crystal Annular Resonators”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. Vol. 39 (2003) 1555.
- U. Ben-Ami, R. Nagar, N. Ben-Ami, J. Scheuer, M. Orenstein, G. Eisenstein, A. Lewis, E. Kapon, F. Reinhardt, P. Ils, and A. Gustafsson, “Near-field scanning optical microscopy studies of V-grooved quantum wire lasers”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 73 (1998) 1619.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Optical Vortices Crystals – Spontaneous Generation in Nonlinear Semiconductor Microcavities”, Science, Vol.285 (1999) 230.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein , “Interactions and switching of coherent / incoherent spatial soliton pairs in the vicinity of a non-linear interface”, Opt. Lett. Vol. 24 (1999) 1735.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Forces and equilibrium states between interacting vector solitons”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 18 (2001) 954.
- J. Scheuer and B. A. Malomed, “Stable and chaotic solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with periodic boundary conditions”, Physica D Vol. 161/1-2 (2002) 102.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Oscillation modes of spatial soliton arrays in waveguides with nonlinear boundaries”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 19 (2002) 732.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Nonlinear Switching and Modulation Instability of Wave Patterns in Ring Shaped VCSELs”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 19 (2002) 2384.
- Y. Yadin, J. Scheuer, Y. Gross and M. Orenstein, “Light flowers from coherent VCSEL arrays“, Opt. Lett. Vol. 27 (2002) 1908.
Conference proceedings:
- U. Ben-Ami, A. Lewis, R. Nagar, N. Ben-Ami, J. Scheuer, M. Orenstein, G. Eisenstein, P. Ils, E. Kapon, F. Reinhardt and A. Gustafsson, “Electroluminescence, Photoconductivity and Lasing Studies of Quantum Wire Laser with Spatial Resolution of 0.1mm”, ISLC 1998, Nara, Japan, paper WA5.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Interactions of Coherent or Incoherent Spatial Soliton Pair in the Vicinity of a Nonlinear Interface”, NLO 98’, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii, Paper ThE4 pp. 422 of the proceedings.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Spontaneous Vortex Arrays Formation in Broad Area Vertical Cavity Semiconductor Lasers”, NLO 98’, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii, Paper ThC13 pp. 361 of the proceedings.
- D. Arbel, J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Spatial Soliton Arrays in a Ring Shaped Complex Nonlinear Medium”, NLO 98’, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii, Paper ThC4 pp. 334 of the proceedings.
- J. Scheuer, D. Arbel and M. Orenstein, “Formation and Switching of multilobed Patterns in Ring Shaped Complex Nonlinear Media”, NLGW 99’, Dijon, France, paper WD42 pp. 180 of the proceedings.
- J. Scheuer, Y. Yadin, Y. Gross and M. Orenstein, “Emission of Coupled Vortex Beams From VCSEL Arrays”, NLGW 99’, Dijon, France, paper WD30 pp. 145 of the proceedings.
- J. Scheuer, Y. Gross, Y. Yadin and M. Orenstein, “Emission of Coherent Black Beams From Coupled VCSEL Arrays”, 1999 IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, San Diego, California, Page(s): 73 –74.
- J. Scheuer, D. Arbel and M. Orenstein, “Nonlinear On-Switching of High Spatial Frequency Patterns in Ring Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers”, LEOS 99’ Annual Meeting, San Franscisco, California, Pages: 123 –124.
- Y. Yadin, J. Scheuer, Y. Gross, and M. Orenstein, “Multistable Emission of Vortex Beams from VCSEL Arrays”, LEOS 2000 Annual Meetings, Rio Grand, Puerto Rico, Pages: 133 –134.
- Y. Yadin, J. Scheuer, Y. Gross, and M. Orenstein, “Emission of flower modes from VCSEL arrays”, LEOS 2000 Annual Meetings, Rio Grand, Puerto Rico, Pages: 894 –895.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Navigating Spatial Soliton Arrays using Nonlinear Waveguides”, LEOS 2000 Annual Meetings, Rio Grand, Puerto Rico, Pages: 197 –198.
- Y. Yadin, J. Scheuer, Y. Gross and M. Orenstein, “Supermodes with Angular Momentum from Coherent VCSEL Arrays”, 17th IEEE ISLC, Monterey, California, Pages: 91-92.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Oscillation modes of spatial soliton arrays in waveguides with nonlinear boundaries”, NLGW 2001, Clearwater, Florida, paper MC46.
- J. scheuer and A. Yariv, “Design and Analysis of Annular Photonic Crystal and Bragg Resonators by Coupled-Wave Approach”, LEOS 2003 Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizonam Pages: 281-282.
- J. Scheuer W. Green, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “Annular Bragg Defect mode Resonators”, Proceedings of SPIE — Volume 5333 Laser Resonators and Beam Control VII, Alexis V. Kudryashov, Editor, June 2004, pp. 183-194 (Invited).
- J. K. S. Poon, J. Scheuer and A. Yariv, “Microring coupled resonators optical waveguides”, OFC 2004, Los-Angeles, California, paper MF29.
- J. Scheuer and M. Orenstein, “Interacting solitons in multilayered Kerr slab waveguide: All-optical logic”, NLGW 2004, Toronto, Canada, paper TuC2.
- G.A. DeRose, J. Scheuer, W.M.J. Green, A. Yariv and A. Scherer, “Annular Bragg Resonators Defined by Electron Beam Lithography”, 48th EIBPN, San-Diego, California, Paper PD7.
- G. A. DeRose, M. Loncar, M. L. Adams, M. Hochberg, J. Scheuer, W. M. J. Green, and A. Scherer, “Lithographic nanofabrication of optical cavities”, Proceedings of SPIE — Volume 5592 Nanofabrication: Technologies, Devices, and Applications, October 2004, paper 11.
- J. Scheuer, G. T. Paloczi, J. K. S. Poon and A. yariv, “Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides”, Photonic West 2005, Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing II, San-Jose, paper 5735-14 (Invited).
- J. Scheuer W. Green, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “Lasing and Mode Switching in Circular Bragg Nanoresonators”, CLEO/QELS 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, paper QEM1. .
- J. Scheuer, G. T. Paloczi and A. yariv, “Reconfigurable Wavelength-Selective Reflector Consisting of Coupled Polymeric Microring Resonators”, CLEO/QELS 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, paper CMY3. .
- J. Scheuer W. Green, G. DeRose and A. Yariv, “Ultra-Sensitive biochemical Sensor based on Circular Bragg Micro-Cavities”, CLEO/QELS 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, paper QPDA7 (post deadline).
- E. Feigenbaum, M. Orenstein and J. Scheuer, “Circulating Spatial Solitons”, NLGW 2005, Dresden , Germany , paper WD2.
- J. Scheuer, “Annular Bragg resonators (ABR) – the ideal tool for biochemical sensing, nonlinear optics and cavity QED”, Photonic West 2006, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies X, San-Jose, paper 6123-29.
- B. Z. Steinberg, J. Scheuer, and A. Boag, “Slow-Light Waveguides with Mode Degeneracy: Rotation-Induced Super Structures and Optical Gyroscopes”, Slow and Fast Light Topical meeting 2006, Washington DC, USA, paper MB3.
- J. Scheuer, “Symmetry Induced “Heavy” and “Light” Photons in Modified Parallel-Coupled Microrings Waveguides”, Slow and Fast Light Topical meeting 2006, Washington DC, USA, paper TuD4.
- J. Scheuer, “Giant Fiber Lasers (GFL) – a new Paradigm for Secure Key Distribution”, ECOC 2006, Cannes, France, paper We3.P.174.
- J. Scheuer, “Fabrication and Characterization of low-loss polymeric waveguides and micro-resonators”, IPNRA and SL 2007, Salt-Lake City, Utah, USA, paper ITuA3.
- J. Scheuer and B. Z. Steinberg, “Rotation sensing using active and passive coupled microcavities slow-light structures”, Photonics West 2008, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper 6904-24 (Invited).
- J. Scheuer, “Fiber Lasers for Secure Key Distribution”, OFC 2008, San-Diego, CA, USA, paper OThF6 (Invited).
- J. Scheuer, “Biochemical and Rotation Nano-Sensors using Circular Bragg Resonators”, First Mediterranean Photonic Conference 2008, Ischia – Naples, Italy (Invited).
- J. Scheuer and Y. Yifat, “Active CROW delay lines”, Photonics West 2009, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper 7226-25. (Invited).
- J. Scheuer and M. Shtaif, “Symmetry-induced Dispersion and performance penalty in Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides”, OFC 2010, San-Diego, CA, USA, Paper OThR2.
- O. Kotlicki and J. Scheuer, “Secure key distribution over a 200km long link employing a novel Ultra-long Fiber Lasers (UFL) scheme”, CLEO 2010, San-Jose, CA, USA, Paper ATuA4.
- J. Scheuer, “Symmetry induced modal dispersion in CROWs”, Photonics West 2010, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 7579-41. (Invited)
- J. Scheuer, “Slow Light rotation sensors and Gyroscopes”, Photonics West 2010, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 7612-12. (Invited)
- J. Scheuer and Yuval Yifat, “Dynamical Slowing and trapping of light in coupled semiconductor laser arrays”, Medinano 3, Belgrade, Serbia, 2010. (Invited)
- Jacob Scheuer and Ori Weiss, “Mid-band zero group velocity in slow light structures”, Photonics West 2011, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 7949-18. (Invited)
- Jacob Scheuer, Inbal Freidler, Yuval Yifat, Zeev Iluz, Michal Eitan, Yael Hanein and Amir Boag, “Optical nano-Antennas: A new approach for optical imaging and detection”, Photonics West 2011, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 7945-82. (Invited)
- Jacob Scheuer, Selim M. Shahriar and Xue Liu, “A Brillouin gain based fast light fiber laser sensor”, CLEO 2012, San-Jose, CA, USA, Paper JW2A.118.
- Jacob Scheuer and Selim Shahriar, “A Brillouin gain based fast light fiber laser for sensing applications “, Photonics West 2012, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 8273-12. (Invited)
- Jacob Scheuer, Selim M. Shahriar and Xue Liu, “A Brillouin gain based fast light fiber laser sensor”, CLEO 2012, San-Jose, CA, USA, Paper JW2A.118.
- Yuval Yifat, Michal Eitan and Jacob Scheuer, “Nano-particle trapping by optically induced Dielectrophoresis enhanced by nano-antennas”, FiO 2012, Rochester NY, CA, Paper FW1G.5.
- R. Novitski, J. Scheuer and B. Z. Steinberg, “Modeling Sagnac Effect in Micro Resonators Using FDTD Method”, IEEE Photonics Conference 2012, Burlingame CA, USA, paper MQ3.
- Y. Yifat, J. Scheuer, C. Long, and E. Kapon, “Dynamical trapping of light in coupled laser arrays: slow or fast?”, Photonics West 2012, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 8273-04.
- Omer Kotlicki, Jacob Scheuer, and M. S. Shahriar, “A Brillouin fast light fiber laser sensor“, OFS-22 (2012), Beijing, China, paper 8421‐598 (Invited)
- Jacob Scheuer, Omer Kotlicky and Selim Shahriar, “Brillouin fast-light fiber laser super-sensor”, Photonics West 2013, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 8636-23 (Invited).
- A. El-taher, O. Kotlicki, J. Scheuer, P. Harper, and S. Turitsyn, “Long-range, High Bit-rate Secure Key Distribution Link Utilizing Raman Ultra-long Fiber Laser (UFL)”, CLEO-Europe 2013, Munich, Germany, paper CI-5.6.
- S. Levy, V. Lyubin, M. Klebanov, J. Scheuer, and A. Zadok, “Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Amplification in Directly Written As2S3 Glass Waveguides”, CLEO: Science and Innovations, San Jose, California USA, June 9-14, 2013, paper CTh3J.3.
- Eyal Ben-Bassat, Yoram Karni, and Jacob Scheuer, “Radial Bragg laser as a miniaturized rotation sensor”, ICTON 2013, Cartagena, Spain, paper Th.A5.1. (Invited)
- Joshua M. Yablon, Zifan Zhou, Shih Tseng, Jacob Scheuer, and Selim Shahriar, “Gravitational Wave Detection with Superluminal Laser in the Adiabatic Following Limit”, Frontiers in Optics 2013, Orlando, FL, USA, paper FTh3A.8
- D. Bar-Lev and J. Scheuer, “Second Harmonic Generation from Nanoantenna Arrays on LiNbO3 – Nonlinear Polarization and Pump Considerations”, Frontiers in Optics 2013, Orlando, FL, USA, paper FTu2C.3
- Yuval Yifat, Michal Eitan, Zeev Iluz, Amir Boag, Yael Hanein, and Jacob Scheuer, “Nano-antenna elements for controlling optical phase”, Photonics West 2015, San-Francisco, CA, USA; Proc. SPIE 8994, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures IV, 899416 (2014).
- Jacob Scheuer and Selim Shahriar, „Coupled microrings data buffer using fast light“, Photonics West 2014, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 8998-47. (Invited)
- Jacob Scheuer and Selim Shahriar, “What is the linewidth of a superluminal laser?“, Photonics West 2014, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 8998-62. (Invited)
- Yuval Yifat, Michal Eitan, Zeev Iluz, and Jacob Scheuer, „Ultra-Sensitive Refractive Index Sensor Utilizing Plasmonic Resonance Splitting“, CLEO 2014, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper FM3K.5.
- Jacob Scheuer and Selim M. Shahriar, „Photon lifetime and the linewidth in a superluminal laser“, CLEO 2014, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper FW3B.8.
- M. S. Shahriar , J. Scheuer, J.Yablon, and M. Zhou, “Quantum noise limited spectral width of a superluminal laser for gravitational wave detection”, 23rd annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria July 14-18, 2014, paper 1.2.3 .
- Omer Kotlicki and Jacob Scheuer, “Wideband Perfect Coherent Absorber based on White Light Cavity“, Photonics West 2015, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 9378-15.
- Michal Eitan, Yuval Yifat, Zeev Iluz, Amir Boag, Yael Hanein, and Jacob Scheuer, “Nano slot-antenna array refractive index sensors: approaching the conventional theoretical limit of the figure of merit”, SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague 2015; Proc. SPIE 9506, Optical Sensors 2015, 95060S.
- Doron Bar-Lev, Itai Epstein, Ady Arie, and Jacob Scheuer, „Controlling surface plasmon propagation by tilted optical beams Incident on a 1D Grating“, Photonics West 2015, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 9371-42.
- Jacob Scheuer and Selim Shahriar, “The linewidth of Super and Sub-luminal lasers“, Photonics West 2015, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 9378-23. (Invited)
- Doron Bar-Lev and Jacob Scheuer, „Plasmonic Metasurface for Efficient Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration“, CLEO 2015, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper FW4C.8.
- Zifan Zhou, Joshua Yablon, Ye Wang, Jacob Scheuer and Selim M. Shahriar, „A Subluminal Laser with Extreme Insensitivity to Cavity Length Change“, CLEO 2015, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper JW2A.31.
- Doron Bar-Lev and Jacob Scheuer, „Efficient Particle Acceleration using Plasmonic Metasurfaces“, SPP 7, 2015, Jerusalem, Israel, paper Tu-02-E-2.
- Michal Eitan-Wiener, Zeev Iluz, Yuval Yifat, Amir Boag, Yael Hanein, and Jacob Scheuer, „Utilizing Symmetry Breaking in Slot Nano-Antenna Arrays for achieving Outstanding Figure of Merit Values in Refractive Index Sensor“, SPP 7, 2015, Jerusalem, Israel, paper Mo-01-P-4.
- Jacob Scheuer and Selim Shahriar, “The linewidth of Super and Sub-luminal lasers“, Photonics West 2015, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 9378-23.
- J. Scheuer, Y. Yifat, M. Eitan-Wiener, Z. Iluz, Y. Hanein, and A. Boag, “Plasmonic holography: obtaining wide angle, broadband, and high efficiency”, SPIE Optics & Photonics 2015, San-Diego, CA, USA, paper 9547-21.
- Eyal Ben-Bassat and Jacob Scheuer, „Broad area single-mode radial Bragg lasers“, IEEE Photonics Conference 2015, Virginia, USA, paper TuD2.4.
- Jacob Scheuer, „Towards Nonlinear Optical Devices Assisted by Nano-Antennas: Polarization Independent and Larger Intensity Enhancement“, MRS fall meeting 2015, Boston, USA, paper GG15.07.
- M. Yevnin, Y. Roichman and J. Scheuer, „Tunable photonic crystals by holographic optical tweezers“, Photonics West 2016, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 9763-42.
- Jacob Scheuer, Doron Bar-Lev, Avi Gover, „Metasurfaces for Particle Manipulation and Radiation Generation“, High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress, Long-Beach, CA, USA, 20 – 22 March 2016, paper EM9A.4.
- Ofer Bar-On, Philipp Brenner, Tobias Siegle, Raz Gvishi, Sarah Krämmer, Heinz Kalt, Ulrich Lemmer, and Jacob Scheuer, „Soft Lithography of 3D Polymeric Lasers and Cavities“, CLEO 2016, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper 3.
- Omer Kotlicki and Jacob Scheuer, “Lasing frequency self-stabilization in Brillouin Fiber Lasers”, CLEO 2016, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper 6.
- Ofir Sorias, Yuval Pazi1, Jacob Scheuer and Meir Orenstein, „Rosette Nano Antennas: Light enhancement with High Spatial Uniformity, Multiple Resonances and Polarization Insensitivity“, CLEO 2016, San-Jose, CA, USA, paper JW2A.
- O. Kotlicki and J. Scheuer, „Thermal self-stability, multi-stability, and memory effects in Brillouin fiber lasers“, Photonics West 2017, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 10119-45.
- J. Scheuer, „Reconfigurable Metasurfaces Using Phase Change Materials“, MRS Spring meeting 2017, Phoneix, AZ, USA Paper ED10.7.05.
- J. Scheuer, „Soft Nano Imprint Lithography of 3D Polymeric Lasers and Cavities“, IEEE Photonics Conference 2017, Orlando, FL, USA Paper ED10.7.05.
- V. Egorov, M. Eitan and J. Scheuer, “Genetic design and optimization of all-dielectric metasurface”, 6th International Topical meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 2017, Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, paper THU4f.54.
- R. Gvishi, S. Lightman, O. Bar-On, J. Scheuer, A. Arie, P. Brenner, T. Siegle, C. Eschenbaum, H. Kalt, U. Lemmer, „Advanced optical 3D-microstructures elements made of sol-gel derived hybrids prepared by nano-imprint lithography (NIL)“, 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 6-10 March 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper HYMA2017_0160.
- N. Sobeshchuk, M. Guidry, S. Bittner, D. Decanini, O. Baron, J. Scheuer, J. Zyss, and M. Lebental, „3D modes from 3D microlasers“, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017, Munich, Germany, Paper CK-7.1.
- O. Bar-On, P. Brenner; R. Gvishi, T. Siegle, H. Kalt, U. Lemmer, and Jacob Scheuer, „3D Integrated Photonics based on Fast Sol-gel Technology and Soft Nano Imprint Lithography“, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2017, New-Orleans, LA, USA, paper NoTh1C.5.
- J. cheuer, „Optimal interfacing with coupled-cavities slow-light waveguides: mimicking periodic structures with a compact device“, Photonics West 2018, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 10548-8.
- J. Scheuer, „Secure long-range and high bit-rate distribution of shared key using dark states ultra-long fiber laser (UFL)“, Photonics West 2018, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 10559-1. (Keynote presentation)
- Ofer Bar-On, Philipp Brenner, Uli Lemmer, Jacob Scheuer, „Integrated Perovskite Devices: Scalable Lithography of Methylammonium Lead Iodide“ Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, paper NoM4D.1
- J. Scheuer, „The relations between white light cavities and exceptional points in PT-symmetric systems“, Photonics West 2019, San-Francisco, CA, USA, paper 10934-29.
- Yoav Blau, Ofer Bar-On, Omer Kotlicki, Yael Hanein, Amir Boag, Jacob Scheuer, „Holographic anti-counterfeiting tags utilizing speckle pattern “fingerprint”“, Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, paper NoW1D.1
- Ofer Bar-On, Philipp Brenner, Uli Lemmer, and Jacob Scheuer, „Micro Lasers by Scalable Lithography of Metal-Halide Perovskites“, MRS fall meeting 2018, Boston, MA, USA, Paper ET04.12.01.